KING JOHN & March Updates

This winter, I directed a production of Shakespeare’s lesser known history, King John, for Praxis Stage. We ran for three weeks in Deane Hall at the Boston Center for the Arts. This project, my directorial debut, gave me the opportunity to work with some of my favorite artists in the Greater Boston area.


We received a fair amount of press coverage in the lead up to the production.

Praxis Stage Presents Shakespeare’s “King John”
Gail Spilsbury’s interview with me and actor Michael Underhill (King John) for the Boston City Paper

Dot theatre troupe Praxis Stage to revive the Bard’s ‘King John’
An interview with actors Michael Underhill (King John) and Jeremy Johnson (Philip of France, Hubert) for the Dorchester Reporter

‘King John’ gets an empowering female boost at Praxis Stage
A Bay State Banner article focusing on the women of King John, featuring me and actors Poornima Kirby (Constance) and Jane Reagan (Blanche, Salisbury)

Jeremy Johnson Talks 'King John' and the Passions Behind the Throne
Edge Media Network’s interview with actor Jeremy Johnson (Philip of France, Hubert)

10 theater picks for winter, on stages big and small
Reporter Don Aucoin, featured King John in the Boston Globe’s Winter Arts Guide

Wheelock’s ‘Little Women’ celebrates sisterhood in song
The Boston Globe’s Terry Bryne interviewed me for her Stages column, featuring King John

We also received a number of positive reviews during the course of our run!

“Above all, the production is successful in that it tells a rarely-staged story effectively, maintains Praxis Stage's heart even in the bougie Back Bay area, and gives audiences a taste of Kimberly Gaughan's distinctive style, a style I hope to see more of in Boston very soon.” -Andrew Child, Broadway World Boston

“…with Praxis’ production… There’s a hipness to it, an inner groove that you succumb to. It slinks right up and before you can say a word, lights your cigarette then vanishes. The move is so effortlessly cool that it’s only later you realize you probably shouldn’t be smoking.” -James Wilkinson, The Theatre Mirror

“Overall, the cast is the highlight. The actors’ ability to convey emotions is what carries the audience beyond Shakespeare’s intricate narratives and hard-to-grasp, antiquated language, and connects us with the more universal themes that King John has to offer: grief and death, love and friendship, humanity and compassion, politics and legacy.” -Flaviana Sandoval, DigBoston

“Gaughan’s approach is playful and tongue-in-cheek, spiced up with musical interludes… that put an amusingly ironic spin on the proceedings… and the doubling and tripling of roles give the staging some absurdist pizzazz, a wry sense of the ridiculous that fits at times…” -Bill Marx, The Arts Fuse

March Updates
This July, I will be attending Theatre Nohgaku’s Noh Training Project Tokyo. It will be my fourth summer training in Japan. For those interested in Noh training, you can check out Theatre Nohgaku’s training page here.

I’ll also be joining a number of Theatre Nohgaku members to perform Ashley Thorpe’s and Richard Emmert’s English-language Noh, Emily. The Tokyo performance will be in honor of my mentor and friend, Richard Emmert, as he retires from his teaching position at Waseda University. Stay tuned for more details!